Scalding Hot Tap

Scalding Risk Assessments

Ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants in your buildings

Scalding incidents caused by hot water are considered "never events" by the NHS, meaning they should never occur under any circumstances. Ignoring or neglecting the risks associated with hot water and Legionella bacteria can result in devastating injuries.

Those who are most vulnerable to scalding risks may be found in hospitals, care homes, social services premises, and special schools, with many accidents recorded during bathing or showering.

Control measures like TMV's have been effective in decreasing fatal injuries, but the number of scalding incidents remains alarmingly high, resulting in legal actions.


TMT or TMV-1 - Correct Size

Controlling the risk from hot water can be a complex task, you may think that reducing your water temperature will be sufficient, but this then poses a risk of Legionella bacteria. According to the HSE’s ACoP L8, a comprehensive Legionella Risk Assessment is essential, where in some cases, this assessment may necessitate maintaining hot water systems at temperatures that could pose a scald risk (above 44°C ).

Therefore, it is crucial to conduct a comparative assessment between the risk of scalding and the potential infection from Legionella.

A Scalding Risk Assessment will identify occupant vulnerabilities in each space/room of your buildings, examine domestic hot water outlets for potential scalding risks, and provide a thorough assessment of these issues. We then recommend actionable steps to manage these risks, ensuring compliance with HTM 04-01 requirements.

Without proper risk assessments, the potential dangers associated with hot water, steam, and hot surfaces can go unnoticed until it's too late. This puts vulnerable individuals at a higher risk of scalding accidents, causing pain, suffering, and potential legal consequences for duty holders, employers, or premises owners.

Get in touch below to see how we can assist you.



Included in our Scalding Risk Assessment:

  • Identify key personnel including responsible persons / duty holders

  • Interview with site responsible Person

  • Vulnerability assessment

  • Identification of outlets and their use

  • Control measures prioritised using a traffic light format & ALARP

  • Review of any previous Scalding Assessments

  • Identifying if temperatures are measured

  • Review TMV inspection and maintenance frequency

  • Provide recommendations to reduce the risk of scalding



What are the benefits of the Water Hygiene Centre?

I have been impressed from start to finish with all my interactions with all the members of the Water Hygiene Centre I have dealt with.  Thank you.

Roger Chapman, Audley Travel

The Water Hygiene Centre Risk Assessors were really helpful and explained clearly what we should be looking to get in place

Andy Gray, Huffkins

“Excellent performance and approach to water risk assessments that capture operational and management performance to truly understand the risks associated with water systems”.

David Fearn, Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust

“The level of service received from The Water Hygiene Centre is delivered to an exceptional standard".

Paul Stephens, Wye Valley NHS Trust

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