What Does The Future Hold For Water Safety?

by Daniel Pitcher, on 06-02-2020
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HEJDaniel Pitcher, Managing Director and Authorising Engineer [Water] considers future developments and changes to water safety.

Legionnaires’ disease was first identified in 1976 since then knowledge of the legionella bacteria including its ecology and means of control have developed considerably over the last 43 years. There have been some fundamental changes in the design of outlets and water system components. 

From attending various events and routinely reading journals and papers there are always interesting developments in water safety - whether they involve rapid microbiological testing, developments with outlets, developments with pipework, advances in control strategies, or work as part of Water Safety Plans by Water Safety Groups 

In this free article, we consider future developments and share our insights on changes for water safety, including:

  • How taps have changed
  • Intelligence
  • Monitoring using remote sensing
  • Technology
  • Faster & Improved Testing
  • PCR testing
  • Immunomagnetic separation

Read the full article here: What does the future hold for water 


About the author

Daniel Pitcher

With over 21 years of independent consulting experience, Daniel established the Water Hygiene Centre in February 2009 to be a ‘centre of excellence’ dedicated to independent water safety consultancy. His experience spans auditing, training, development of Water Safety Plans, incident investigations, competent help support and acting as Authorising Engineer [Water] [AEW] for NHS Trusts, Health Boards, Local Government, Universities and Housing Associations.

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