Blog Posts by Charlie Brain
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Charlie Brain

Charlie started the Water Hygiene Centre as a trainee risk assessor back in 2010, since then he has developed professionally from risk assessor, project manager and is now a Senior Consultant. During this time he has taken ownership of our risk assessment method and development of our bespoke reporting platform and has been key in our UKAS accreditation to 17020.
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Recent Posts

Legionella: Top tips for record keeping?
In our recent blog What are 'Good Records' for water safety? we learnt what water safety records are, why we need to keep them, and how to make them “good”. In this blog, we discuss ways to...
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Legionella - Role of the Responsible Person and Duty Holder
This blog hopes to answer questions received from our clients regarding the clarification of roles undertaken by the Dutyholder and the Responsible Person (Water).
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Why am I still getting TVCs after disinfecting and flushing?
In this blog, we discuss reasons why a disinfection, sampling and flushing strategy may not have worked as intended, leaving undesirable levels of TVCs.
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Council’s and Housing stock – how to manage Legionella
This blog attempts to answer a conundrum regularly pondered by Councils, housing associations and private landlords…. “do our 1000’s houses need a Legionella Risk Assessment?” The regular response...
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What are 'Good Records' for water hygiene?
Records are a foundation stone of successful water hygiene management. They are evidence, without which, it is very difficult to convince others that a task has been completed.
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Compliance and Legionella Risk Assessment
As a reminder to us all, the HSE state that it is a legal requirement for every employer and self-employed person to assess the health and safety risks arising out of their work. The purpose of an...
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Legionella Risk Assessment – An Animal Interest Story
Our Legionella Risk Assessors travel the length and breadth of the British Isles, from the Shetland Islands in the north, to the Channel Islands in the south. They also get to visit a wide range...
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Separating Legionella Risk Assessments and Remedial Works
Identifying and assessing risks is the first key to good health and safety management. In the Legionella industry the risk assessment is no different, and a requirement under the HSE’s Approved...
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Can I Remotely Monitor My Water System?
To comply with their legal duties, duty holders should regularly monitor water systems to ensure their controls measures and precautions remain effective (HSE ACoP L8). This management regime...
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Legionella Risk Assessments During Covid Lockdown
As a result of the UK being placed in to it's third lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, businesses, schools, offices and many other buildings once again had their use drastically altered –...
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